Jehangir B Gai

Stories by Jehangir B Gai

How this customer won against a retailer

How this customer won against a retailer   3 Nov 2017

John Aranha got an order from Central Mumbai District Consumer Forum that made Croma pay him Rs 26,300 for a fridge he had bought but was never delivered to him, says consumer activist Jehangir B Gai

Can 5 star hotels charge Rs 8 for a 3 minute call?

Can 5 star hotels charge Rs 8 for a 3 minute call?   15 Oct 2017

In this interesting case filed by the petitioner against the Taj Hotels, the National Commission gave an equally interesting judgment.

He fought a bank and got back Rs 14 lakh

He fought a bank and got back Rs 14 lakh   9 Sep 2017

Thomas Ninad's bank account was defrauded of Rs 14 lakh under mysterious circumstances.

What to check when you buy a car online

What to check when you buy a car online   22 Jun 2017

A consumer wins a case against a financial company for selling him a car online, but not transferring the ownership in his name.

A family's fight to win a murdered man's insurance claim

A family's fight to win a murdered man's insurance claim   18 Apr 2017

LIC contested the insurance claim. Consumer activist Jehangir B Gai tells you how this claim was won.

She won a claim rejected by LIC

She won a claim rejected by LIC   14 Mar 2017

The National Commission indicted LIC for working in cahoots with doctors for baseless certificates to repudiate claims and held this to be an unfair practice.

Missed flights? Airlines should compensate only if. . .

Missed flights? Airlines should compensate only if. . .   7 Sep 2015

This issue was recently decided by the South Mumbai Forum.

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